Tuesday 26 August 2008

Jack Osbourne - Osbourne Plans To Revamp Dad Ozzys Image

JACK OSBOURNE is to repair the damage he thinks realness show THE OSBOURNES did to his father OZZY's image by shooting a documentary all about the rocker.

The youngest Osbourne issue reveals he started his latest contrive at the beginning of the year (08) and now has interviews with the principal members of his father's former band Black Sabbath, and other rock greats who wanted to say nice things about the star.

Jack says, "He refuses to do a book, so this is more like a talking bible - a really thorough autobiography.

"I'm trying to paint a realistic picture of who my father is. I think The Osbournes, to a degree, tarnished the public's perception of my pappa as a bit of a gaga, funny, ham-fisted guy. Yeah, my pa can be that cat, but it's not him.

"I think that (The Osbournes) almost damaged who he is as an creative person. My dad's not an idiot, he's nothing short of a genius, in my opinion. He does have huge flaws, and we're nerve-wracking to in truth paint an honest picture of that."

Osbourne hopes to premiere his Ozzy motion picture portrait, called John after his father's real first name, at next year's (09) Ozzfest heavy rock candy festival.

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